Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Never too young to start

Our combination 2 class is by far the biggest class we have ever had. The amazing thing is despite the class size or the student's age (6&7) it is one of the most well behaved hardest working classes I have ever taught. ( picture below)

Many of the kids have had at least one previous year of combination class but some have been with us since 3yrs starting in creative movement. The idea is to start the students off young so all things dance become second nature tithe student.

The challenge with teaching any age is making it relevant to that age group. Fundamentals and classroom etiquette can be learned by 3 year olds just as easy as 8 year olds. It may take some creative analogies and lots of repetition but you will get there.

This morning in creative movement, a class room of first year students, we discussed the difference between adiago and allergo. They were telling me what those differences were, listening to music and distinguishing the two, and dancing accordingly. They can also tell you stage direction, how to stand in line, and the proper way to thank your teacher in dance class. These little things are not the main goal of class, but through games and rhymes students pick them up. Students also focus on ballet terminology and basic steps. Monthly themes keep the students focused on learning one major step each month allowing it to really absorb into their memories.

So well creative movement may look like all fun and games it is a great foundation for a future dancer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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