Welcome Back from Spring Break. It's time to get to work.
We are preparing for the end of our season which will wrap up the end of May with our Spring Concert.
This order form was attached to all emails going out this week and with the April 1st news letter. Please take the time to review it so you don't miss out on capturing any important memories of Spring Concert!
Spring Concert 2010 Order Form
DUE April 20th!
$15.00 late charge to any forms turned in after this date
Picture Day
May 1 & 8 (designated class times posted on blog and at studio)
This includes 4 individual shots & 1 group shot on a CD with copyright form. $25.00 per student.
Each additional photo (individual or group) is $5.00 more. Please list below extra photos.
_____Yes, My student will be participating in Picture Day
____$25.00 basic package
____I would like additional _#_____ shots.
_____ No, My student will NOT be participating.
DVD Orders
DVD’s include BOTH nights performances. $15.00 each.
(DVDS will be picked up at the studio over the summer)
____Number of DVDs (please list 0 if not interested)
Spring Concert LOGO T- SHIRT (student names on back) $10.00 each
____ Number of Logo T- Shirts (please 0 if not interested)
Student AD for Program $8.00 each
____ Number of Student Ads
(please email image or words to megan@tndac.net no later than 5/1)
Receive 1 basic photo package, 1 DVD, 1 T- Shirt and a Student AD for a discounted price of $ 50.00
____Yes, I would like to purchase the discounted package.
Student Name: _________________________________ Parent Name:____________________________________
Total: $_________ Check/ Cash/ CC
* Pictures and DVDS will be picked up at the studio during the summer. T- Shirts will be delivered before show date.

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