Thursday, April 22, 2010

Calling for Volunteers

I have sent out an email requesting volunteers for our Spring Concert. Here is the info that was mailed. Remember we keep low costs, no recital fees, and all that other good stuff by volunteering to produce a wonderful show for your children. We love for parents to get involved and help make this a special event for everyone.


Calling all Volunteers!
If you are looking for a way to help out with Spring Concert, see behind the scenes, express some creativity, or just want to be involved here is your opportunity. The show can not go on without the wonderful support of our parent volunteers. Please email MEGAN@TNDAC.NET with the position you would like to accept. ALL jobs are for BOTH nights unless noted.

A Garden Tale
May 28 & 29 7:00 PM Call Time: 5:30 PM
Dress Rehearsal May 27th 5:30

These volunteers will work 30 minutes prior to the show, during intermission, and the end. There will be a brief meeting during Dress Rehearsal to explain jobs in more detail.

Front of House Manager- This person will be the go to between the front of house volunteers and Megan directly. This person will need to work both nights.

Ticket Booth- 1 person to sell tickets the night of the show.
Flower Table- 2 people that will be in charge of selling flowers
Merchandise Table- 1 person in charge of selling any merchandise sold at the show, food, t-shirts, drinks etc.

Ticket Takers- 2 people to take tickets at the entrance of the show. They will sit after show begins and be finished with their work.
Ushers/Pass Out Programs- 2 people passing out programs

Creative Movement mom’s will work the night their child’s class performs. Combination, Pre Jazz, and Beginner Ballet must have 1 class mom that is willing to work BOTH NIGHTS. This mom will be able to see her child perform out front during their performance. They will keep children quite and behaved, help them to the restrooms, walk them to and from stage for their performance. THESE MOMS ARE THE ONLY MOMS ALLOWED BACK STAGE AT ANY POINT.

*Creative Movement moms will be dismissed after the first intermission. They will receive a free ticket to watch the remainder of the show.
*Combination, Pre Jazz, and Beginner Ballet moms will receive a free DVD to show our appreciation.

Friday May 28th
Creative Movement Monday 9:45
Creative Movement Tuesday 10:00
Creative Movement Wednesday 10:00
Creative Movement Friday 10:00

Saturday May 29th
Creative Movement Monday 10:30
Creative Movement Wednesday 4:30
Creative Movement Saturday 9:00

Both Nights
-Combination 2 Monday 4:30
Combination 1 Monday 5:30
Combination 1 Wednesday 5:15
Combination 1 Thursday 3:00
Combination 1 Saturday 9:45
Pre Jazz Tuesday 5:30
Beginner Ballet Thursday 4:30

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