Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Concert T Shirt Contest

T-Shirt Contest!

We are taking entries for our “Spring Concert” T- Shirt. The shirt will display the winning art work on the front and all the names of student participants on the back. T- shirts will be for sale next month.

Logos or Images must only contain two colors or less. The title of show is Garden Tale.

Please turn in all entries to the front desk or email Megan@TNDAC.NET.

Entries will be displayed at the studio and on our school blog where other students will be able to vote.

Entries due before March 27th.


Tennessee Dance Arts Conservatory said...

The T- Shirt will be white. This is a contest for students and children. Adults welcome to help out :)

Anonymous said...

Meg you can delete this comment but look how concert is spelled... :)