Saturday, October 31, 2009

November Newsletter

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Ballet Program Students took a field trip last week to see Nashville Ballet's Giselle. We had 25 in attendance, all dressed to the nines, and well behaved. We are so proud of our ballet students and their theater etiquette. Our children's instructor Ms. Alex Meister was part of the performance cast as a peasant girl. Students stayed for an hour long question and answer after the performance. What a great experience.

Ballet 2 student Savannah Pelkey wrote a review on Giselle:

" My favorite part of the ballet Giselle is when she, her love, and all the maidens were in a long line making a circle. I thought it was so neat and beautiful, especially how it was on pointe shoes and they didn't even look like anyone messed up. Another part was when the maidens were in a line and then Giselle went on pointe in arabesque.

From watching Giselle I can make a lot of improvements. She had her stomached sucked in so much it looked great and how relaxed she was with her arms they look very gentle but strong."

Ballet students will be attending a performance of Nutcracker by Ballet Memphis this December. If you are unable to attend that performance be sure to see Nashville Ballet's Nutcracker or watch the DVD!

For more info on Nashville Ballet.

Tennessee Association of Dance

Students Madison Hopkins and Katie Messina were awarded scholarships to attend Tennessee Association of Dance’s annual statewide conference. This was a taste of the “real world of dance” for both of them. Students got to take from well known choreographers and dancers such as; Laura Brenner (Head Instructor for Giodano Jazz Dance) Pamela Pietro (Tisch NYU Staff Member), Travis Gatling (Ohio State Staff).

Student Katie Messina writes about her experience:

"When I went to the dance conference I was blown away by how many classes there were. It went by so fast! I learned different warm ups and different styles; it was a challenge, but I caught on. My favorite class was Giordano jazz. Our teacher, Miss Brenner, had amazing skill and technique. She came all the way from Chicago that day.

I liked the idea of being in intermediate ballet and jazz but what I didn't realize at first was that I was probably one of the youngest in my group. I was dancing with high school girls. We got to learn some of a dance that took Miss Brenner a year to learn. I was pretty impressed with how well everything was done in the jazz class.

I was even more amazed that Miss Megan knew the jazz teacher. That is part of what made it an inspirational experience. The most inspiring thing about the conference was that I was dancing with other people and learning different types of jazz. I learned that even a small school can do big things!"

Check Out Giordano Jazz

Learn More about Tennessee Association of Dance

"Drop and Shop" Parent's Day Out Event

Sign Up Now!

November 28
10:00-1:00 PM

Have a morning with the Sugar Plum Fairy. Characters from the story Nutcracker will be socializing at the event! Students are encouraged to dress up as fairies, princesses, Christmas elves etc. Morning will include a 45 minute Ballet Class with the Sugar Plum Fairy, Craft and Story Time, Pizza Lunch, and watching the Nutcracker Movie.

Students ages 4-8 are encouraged to attend, but all our welcome.

$25.00 a student and $10.00 each additional sibling. (Older siblings who would rather help than participate are welcome to volunteer)

MUST register by November 21st! Limited Space. (please note food allergies due to craft and lunch time)

Pumpkin Festival

Pumpkin Festival was a great end to the Company season. It was a chilly day, but our students took the stage like champs. I would like to thank the students for their hard work and dedication to the performance group. I also, again want to thank my instructors for volunteering their Saturday morning and afternoons for two months to TDAC Company. We are blessed to have the wonderful instructors we do. Thank you Ms. Lindsey and Ms. Lynette for sharing your beautiful talents as dancers! The crowd was full and the spirits were high.

Today's show consisted of:

Rodeo- Ballet
Ms. Lynette & Ms. Lindsey's Duet
Bonanza- Jazz
Amazing Grace- Courtnee's Solo
Barn Dance- Tap
Ms. Lindsey's Solo
Hip Hop
Ms. Lynette's Solo

This was the conclusion to the 2009 TDAC performance company. Thank you all.
Please view all today's pictures on our FLICKR (PHOTO SITE)
Ms. Megan

Monday, October 26, 2009

Winter TDAC Merchandise

Limited time only TDAC is offering Winter Merchandise!
We are taking orders for two weeks ONLY!

Also this winter we will be selling Leg Warmers, Fun Colored Dance Bags, and Holiday Cheer!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Opening "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"

Friday October 23rd TDAC Junior Company opened for the Old School Theater's production of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Students took the stage at 6:45 and presented a 15 minute performance of works from their Western Show. Rumor has it the crowd was the largest yet! Students did an excellent job on staged and off. Our performance has multiple dancers in multiple dances. Many of the students have to rush to change their costumes in about 50 seconds. Their quick change speed was amazing. Practice makes perfect.

As we do each performance I see the students beginning to understand "performance" and "theater" a little bit more. This is exciting because the intentions for the TDAC company are to teach children how to translate the art of dance to the stage. So often we come into class and focus on the feet or the legs. We forget there are other important part of the bodies. First of all the breath. Dancing with out breath is like singing without breath. To breathe properly while dancing can bring a work of choreography alive. We also tend to forget about our finger tips which extends the line of arm infinitely. Last but not least, our faces. We are presenting ourselves as entertainment to our audience. Our faces should reflect the mood in which we are trying to translate through our movement.

There are may other aspects of this performance company that I hope our students take away from their experience in the company this year.

1 Responsibility: It is a Performers responsibility to:
- Remember their choreography
-Always be at every rehearsal and show BEFORE call time.
-Remember dates, performance, rehearsals, etc
- To take care of their "tools" (costume, make up, shoes, etc)

This responsibility doesn't only effect the individual dancer, but the whole group. Anytime a performer forgets one of the key points above it becomes a hinder on the company as a whole.

2. Respect
- Respect yourself and be proud of your accomplishments
- Respect your elders, instructors, producers, and directors
- Respect your "tools"
- Respect your "Teammates".

Being in a company can sometimes be translated like a sports team. If you were to show up to a soccer game without your shin guards after warm ups would your coach let you play? If you weren't allowed to play and you were your teams only goalie would that hinder your team?

We hope that through programs such as the TDAC company that we can begin to establish a foundation for a performer. You're never too young to learn and utilize the characteristics of a great performer or teammate.

The program is free to all students and rehearsals are a minimum of once a week. We've taken a "come one come all approach" opening our arms to introducing our students to this experience.

See the Company Perform Again:

Saturday October 31 1:00-2:00
Pumpkin Festival- Downtown Franklin
City Hall Stage


Friday, October 23, 2009

Coupon Class Located at TDAC

Learning how to save money you already have is amazing!! My family went from spending $600 a month on groceries to only spending $300 a month. What would you do with an extra $300 each month?

Come to a workshop and learn how to drastically cut your budget on your shopping expenses..

Classes are 1.5 hours long and cover basic and advanced topics:
1. Gathering and Organizing Coupons
2. Using online resources to find your own deals
3. Effectively Using Coupons - a lot more than just clipping and handing over a coupon!

I will teach you everything you need to be able to save at least 50% each week on your Grocery, Household, and Personal Care expenses.

Please note that due to space and time constraints I ask that you refrain from bringing infants and children to the class.

WHEN: Saturday October 24th 11:30 to 1:00 OR Tuesday October 27th 12:00 to 1:30
COST : $10.00 per person
WHERE: Tennessee Dance Arts Conservatory
QUESTIONS? Call Jenni Evans 931.388.47086 or 615.525.1607

Food Drive

< Click on Image to view Full Size>

Starting Monday we will be collecting food for The Well. Please have students bring canned goods and other non perishable items to drop in the studio lobby. There will be large Christmas boxes for collection. All donations can be anonymous. Students who want to participate in a contest to bring in the most food are more than welcome to report their donations to the front desk. The student who brings in the most items will receive a Free TDAC T-shirt.

Encourage your children to take the time to donate food to the families of Spring Hill that may not be able to afford food this Holiday season.

More info on The Well's Website

10 “Feed the hungry,

and help those in trouble.

Then your light will shine out from the darkness,

and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.

11 The Lord will guide you continually,

giving you water when you are dry

and restoring your strength.

You will be like a well-watered garden,

like an ever-flowing spring.”

Isaiah 58:10-11

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

TDAC T-Shirts On Sale Now!

Read our blog? We want to know. Make sure you leave your comments!
Don't read our blog? You should!

We are currently running a school wide special on T-Shirts.
BUY 1 get 1 40% off!

We are now also running a secret sale for our internet friendly students. Mention this blog and get 25% off any TDAC Shirt.
This is for a limited time until shirts run out.

Be sure to check our blog weekly and become our friend on Face Book.

Monday, October 12, 2009


TDAC IS CLOSED OCTOBER 17-20th for FALL BREAK. NO SAT, MON, TUES classes next week.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Touch a Truck"

Students in the TDAC Youth Company performed this morning at the "Touch A Truck" event in Spring Hill.
The thirty minute set included the four staple pieces from the company's Western Themed show, as well as, two solos and one duet from guest performers.
Ballet student Courtnee Phelps performed a beautiful solo to a twangy version of Amazing Grace. She was elegant on stage and so beautiful. Teachers Ms. Lindsey and Ms. Lynette performed a contemporary duet and then Lindsey performed a beautiful solo.
The company braved the chilly weather with smiles on their faces!

See the company perform next:

Friday October 23 6:45
Old School Theater
Good Man Charlie Brown

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dance Class Etiquette

At TDAC we strive to not only teach children classical dance education, but the proper etiquette that should be followed in the dance class room. Please take a moment to review these great tips that are respected an followed by most professional dance schools and companies across the globe.

Dancers spend long hours in the classroom. It’s no doubt that the classroom starts to become the social circle after so many days and hours with the same people. When dancers don’t follow a certain code of conduct, they tend to disturb a classroom while they’re trying to focus and learn. Granted most dancers are very young, but that isn’t an excuse for poor choices in conduct, attire, chatter or attendance. Disrupting the focus of others dancers is a disservice and should be corrected immediately by the dancer themselves. We all slip, and make mistakes, but taking responsibility and making certain we note not to repeat the offense is evidence of good character in a dance student.

Chatter During Class
No matter the level of a dancer, there is no excuse for talking during a class or rehearsal. It is entirely disrespectful to the teacher/choreographer and to fellow dancers. The worst offense is talking while the instructor or choreographer is also talking, that is not only impolite in general, but beyond rude. This person is here, dedicating their time and effort, to make you a better dancer. Abstain from talking during class as much as possible and show your choreographer or teacher that you are focused and eager to learn. It goes a long way.

Dancers inevitably form friendships with other dancers. Think about this though: do you remember walking into class as a new student and noticing the cliques of girls who were unwilling to be friendly and say hello to you? Don’t be one of them. Make certain that you know ALL of your fellow dancers in your classes and performances. Make an effort to make people feel welcome and comfortable. Too often dancers get arrogant and they don’t associate with other students who aren’t on their “level”. That shows immaturity and lack of compassion. Everyone starts somewhere and you never know where you might bump into that one dancer you gave the cold shoulder too later down the road. They just might be the next big choreographer that doesn’t give you that job because they remembered your attitude. It is hard enough to learn as a newcomer, so be kind and open to your fellow dancers.

Inappropriate Attire
Young dancers are in shape and full of confidence. At a certain point in training they will feel they need to express themselves with other things such as fashion. Not all classrooms are strict, but a dancer should not wear clothes that will distract themselves or others from their main focus. When dancing, the proper dance gear should be worn per dance style. Every dance clothing outlet has a variety of clothing that is appropriate. The dance instructor will usually request a specific type of attire that should be adhered to. Remember, every time a dancer goes our on a limb with their attire, it usually draws their focus away from the dancing. Dressing too sexy or too punky is not going to help your dance training, save it for the street!

Being Tardy or Absent
There are always those handful of dancers that arrive late to a class or a rehearsal or miss often. When a dancer comes in late to class it not only affects the focus of the entire class and the teacher, but it doesn’t help the late dancers own focus as well. Coming in late to class usually isn’t allowed since lacking a proper warm-up could cause serious injury. Dancers who are late and/or absent from their classes and rehearsals really throw the entire group off. Especially when there is choreography involved. It is very rude, disruptive and disrespectful to everyone involved. If a dancer regularly can’t make a class on time, or if they have to miss more than a couple times, then maybe they should just drop the class or performance schedule. There are other dancers out there that are eager for each and every class they have in their schedule, and dancers who are hard-working and eager to take your spot in that dance!

Spacing in Class
Every so often a classroom will be a bit crowded. Students need to be extra careful in these situations to allow even and proper spacing so that all the students can get maximum visibility and use out of the class. It is uncouth for a dancer to step directly in front of another dancer who was already spaced and there before them. Certain dancers choose the front of the class, that is fine, but if you aren’t already placed in your “spot” before the rest of the class settles in theirs, don’t walk in front of the others and block their view. It isn’t thoughtful or kind.

Respect for the Teacher
The worst offense a dance student can do above all the others, is to disrespect the teacher. Disrespect comes in many forms. The above mentioned are some of them. Another form is your body language and eye contact or lack thereof. When a teacher is talking, you should be listening quietly with a perky ear. Think of their lesson as an investment to your dancing education, be thankful for it and show courteous behavior. Each time a teacher says a correction out loud, assume it is you and check to see if you need the same adjustment. Smile and nod at your instructor when you get a correction. And if you’re with a choreographer, don’t challenge their ideas; you are their canvas to paint on. It is not anyone’s place but the choreographer to determine the spots in the dance and what you will be doing or wearing.

If you act professional in all your dance endeavors you will inevitably be a better dancer. A dancer needs to be certain they are kind, courteous and ultimately focused. So anything that is done against that grain will produce undesirable results. If a dancer finds they cannot or will not follow this code of conduct, maybe they should look into some other interests that don’t require this amount of discipline. Maybe they just aren’t cut out to be a true dancer. So be on your best behavior and you will really shine as a fellow dancer and dance student. Learning to take class is the first step to becoming a professional in the dance industry. Be smart and mindful to achieve dancing success!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Show Must Go On

Saturday October 3 The TDAC Youth Company performed at the Spring Hill Country Ham Festival. We are very proud of girls performance. Especially how well the students in the tap and hip hop performance continued their dances without music. They performed a modified show to fit a very tiny stage out doors.

Congrats on your first show!

See them perform next:

Saturday October 10 11:15
Thompson's Station Baptist Church
"Touch a Truck" Event

Friday, October 2, 2009

Adult Classes

TDAC is currently offering $5.00 Pilates and Yoga classes for adults. These classes are offered at the same time as our morning kids classes. The hope is that parents will kick off their shoes and join in class rather than sit and wait in the lobby or their car. Classes are 45 minutes long.

Pilates- Beginner Mat Class
Class focuses on the basics of pilates mat. Students will be encouraged to start at the intro level and slowly progress taking many weeks to reach the full potential of the beginner mat series.

What is Pilates
Pilates, pronounced /pɪˈlɑ:ti:z/, is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates in Germany. Pilates called his method Contrology, because he believed his method uses the mind to control the muscles. The program focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles. Each Pilates exercise is a lesson in opposition. Movement in one direction is lengthened and controlled into the next, while oppositional muscles stabilize. This allows Pilates to lengthen and strengthen muscles simultaneously, helping to create an energized, pain-free, flexible and strong body.

Yoga- Gentle Yoga
Taught by Bonnie Palmer owner of Bounce Back Yoga in Spring Hill

For more info you can call 302-3348 or drop in anytime.