The three days full of dancing, sight seeing, and eating were such a great opportunity for the students to experience.
Students took Giordano technique, style, and rep classes from Nan Giordano herself. Nan is the daughter of legendary Gus Giordano. Other great classes including the most amazing floor barre class, latin ballroom, ballet for jazz dancers, and more rep. On top of dancing, we got to see local dance schools, as well a,s the Giordano company perform in studio. The upbeat energy at Giordano was overwhelming. The company and all the staff were incredibly welcoming.
In our off time, students experience The Body Works at the Museum of Science and Industry, ate deep dish Chicago style pizza, and had a lot of great laughs!
Next year they will continue the Jazz World Congress, and we are looking forward to experiencing that amazing conference.
In the mean time, we have some more events and conferences coming up.
For sure keep October 15 & 16th marked on your calendar for Tennessee Association of Dance's annual Conference.
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