This summer we are running an incredible special. If you refer a friend (new clients only) to any TDAC summer camp or class, we will subtract their camp fee from your tuition.
For example:
You sign up for Intro To Dance $ 120.
You refer your friend to Intro To Dance $120
YOU PAY $0.00 for your camp!
You sign up for the Intro To Dance $120
You refer your friend to 6 week Jazz Class $60.00
YOU PAY $60.00 for your camp!
We want to say thank you for your dedication to Tennessee Dance Arts Conservatory. A referral is the highest form of a compliment. We appreciate your support!
Please mention this deal at the time of signing up for classes.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Calling for Volunteers
I have sent out an email requesting volunteers for our Spring Concert. Here is the info that was mailed. Remember we keep low costs, no recital fees, and all that other good stuff by volunteering to produce a wonderful show for your children. We love for parents to get involved and help make this a special event for everyone.
Calling all Volunteers!
If you are looking for a way to help out with Spring Concert, see behind the scenes, express some creativity, or just want to be involved here is your opportunity. The show can not go on without the wonderful support of our parent volunteers. Please email MEGAN@TNDAC.NET with the position you would like to accept. ALL jobs are for BOTH nights unless noted.
A Garden Tale
May 28 & 29 7:00 PM Call Time: 5:30 PM
Dress Rehearsal May 27th 5:30
These volunteers will work 30 minutes prior to the show, during intermission, and the end. There will be a brief meeting during Dress Rehearsal to explain jobs in more detail.
Front of House Manager- This person will be the go to between the front of house volunteers and Megan directly. This person will need to work both nights.
Ticket Booth- 1 person to sell tickets the night of the show.
Flower Table- 2 people that will be in charge of selling flowers
Merchandise Table- 1 person in charge of selling any merchandise sold at the show, food, t-shirts, drinks etc.
Ticket Takers- 2 people to take tickets at the entrance of the show. They will sit after show begins and be finished with their work.
Ushers/Pass Out Programs- 2 people passing out programs
Creative Movement mom’s will work the night their child’s class performs. Combination, Pre Jazz, and Beginner Ballet must have 1 class mom that is willing to work BOTH NIGHTS. This mom will be able to see her child perform out front during their performance. They will keep children quite and behaved, help them to the restrooms, walk them to and from stage for their performance. THESE MOMS ARE THE ONLY MOMS ALLOWED BACK STAGE AT ANY POINT.
*Creative Movement moms will be dismissed after the first intermission. They will receive a free ticket to watch the remainder of the show.
*Combination, Pre Jazz, and Beginner Ballet moms will receive a free DVD to show our appreciation.
Friday May 28th
Creative Movement Monday 9:45
Creative Movement Tuesday 10:00
Creative Movement Wednesday 10:00
Creative Movement Friday 10:00
Saturday May 29th
Creative Movement Monday 10:30
Creative Movement Wednesday 4:30
Creative Movement Saturday 9:00
Both Nights
-Combination 2 Monday 4:30
Combination 1 Monday 5:30
Combination 1 Wednesday 5:15
Combination 1 Thursday 3:00
Combination 1 Saturday 9:45
Pre Jazz Tuesday 5:30
Beginner Ballet Thursday 4:30
Calling all Volunteers!
If you are looking for a way to help out with Spring Concert, see behind the scenes, express some creativity, or just want to be involved here is your opportunity. The show can not go on without the wonderful support of our parent volunteers. Please email MEGAN@TNDAC.NET with the position you would like to accept. ALL jobs are for BOTH nights unless noted.
A Garden Tale
May 28 & 29 7:00 PM Call Time: 5:30 PM
Dress Rehearsal May 27th 5:30
These volunteers will work 30 minutes prior to the show, during intermission, and the end. There will be a brief meeting during Dress Rehearsal to explain jobs in more detail.
Front of House Manager- This person will be the go to between the front of house volunteers and Megan directly. This person will need to work both nights.
Ticket Booth- 1 person to sell tickets the night of the show.
Flower Table- 2 people that will be in charge of selling flowers
Merchandise Table- 1 person in charge of selling any merchandise sold at the show, food, t-shirts, drinks etc.
Ticket Takers- 2 people to take tickets at the entrance of the show. They will sit after show begins and be finished with their work.
Ushers/Pass Out Programs- 2 people passing out programs
Creative Movement mom’s will work the night their child’s class performs. Combination, Pre Jazz, and Beginner Ballet must have 1 class mom that is willing to work BOTH NIGHTS. This mom will be able to see her child perform out front during their performance. They will keep children quite and behaved, help them to the restrooms, walk them to and from stage for their performance. THESE MOMS ARE THE ONLY MOMS ALLOWED BACK STAGE AT ANY POINT.
*Creative Movement moms will be dismissed after the first intermission. They will receive a free ticket to watch the remainder of the show.
*Combination, Pre Jazz, and Beginner Ballet moms will receive a free DVD to show our appreciation.
Friday May 28th
Creative Movement Monday 9:45
Creative Movement Tuesday 10:00
Creative Movement Wednesday 10:00
Creative Movement Friday 10:00
Saturday May 29th
Creative Movement Monday 10:30
Creative Movement Wednesday 4:30
Creative Movement Saturday 9:00
Both Nights
-Combination 2 Monday 4:30
Combination 1 Monday 5:30
Combination 1 Wednesday 5:15
Combination 1 Thursday 3:00
Combination 1 Saturday 9:45
Pre Jazz Tuesday 5:30
Beginner Ballet Thursday 4:30
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What's Going On?
Are you still not sure what's going on this week at dance, what's coming up, when pictures are, what costume your child is wearing. Hopefully we can clear up some questions for you.
DUE APRIL 20th Order Form for Picture Day, DVDS, Student Ads (for program), & Spring Concert T-Shirt
The previous post has the form copied. All students were sent PDF's this week via email (as well as attached to April's Newsletter)
Picture Day: MAY 1 or 8th (Depending on Your Classes Schedule)
The schedule is posted below. If you have not paid prior to the day we are unable to take your child's picture. Please pay before April 20th. All late order forms will have an attached $15.00 fee.
Pictures will be delivered to the studio in the summer. Everyone will receive this information at picture day.

The Dvds will have both nights performance.
1. The next few weeks students will be taking home their costumes.
2. Tickets for Spring Concert will be on presale at the studio $3.00 a ticket.
3. Parent volunteers will be asked to participate in the Lobby and Back Stage at show
Students in Modern 1 and Modern 2 will perform their solos on April 27 or April 28th (during their regular scheduled class time). All family and friends are welcome.
SUMMER REGISTRATION OPEN ONLINE! Please make sure you reserve your spot today! We're filling up. Payment is due May 15th.
DUE APRIL 20th Order Form for Picture Day, DVDS, Student Ads (for program), & Spring Concert T-Shirt
The previous post has the form copied. All students were sent PDF's this week via email (as well as attached to April's Newsletter)
Picture Day: MAY 1 or 8th (Depending on Your Classes Schedule)
The schedule is posted below. If you have not paid prior to the day we are unable to take your child's picture. Please pay before April 20th. All late order forms will have an attached $15.00 fee.
Pictures will be delivered to the studio in the summer. Everyone will receive this information at picture day.

The Dvds will have both nights performance.
1. The next few weeks students will be taking home their costumes.
2. Tickets for Spring Concert will be on presale at the studio $3.00 a ticket.
3. Parent volunteers will be asked to participate in the Lobby and Back Stage at show
Students in Modern 1 and Modern 2 will perform their solos on April 27 or April 28th (during their regular scheduled class time). All family and friends are welcome.
SUMMER REGISTRATION OPEN ONLINE! Please make sure you reserve your spot today! We're filling up. Payment is due May 15th.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back from Spring Break. It's time to get to work.
We are preparing for the end of our season which will wrap up the end of May with our Spring Concert.
This order form was attached to all emails going out this week and with the April 1st news letter. Please take the time to review it so you don't miss out on capturing any important memories of Spring Concert!
Spring Concert 2010 Order Form
DUE April 20th!
$15.00 late charge to any forms turned in after this date
Picture Day
May 1 & 8 (designated class times posted on blog and at studio)
This includes 4 individual shots & 1 group shot on a CD with copyright form. $25.00 per student.
Each additional photo (individual or group) is $5.00 more. Please list below extra photos.
_____Yes, My student will be participating in Picture Day
____$25.00 basic package
____I would like additional _#_____ shots.
_____ No, My student will NOT be participating.
DVD Orders
DVD’s include BOTH nights performances. $15.00 each.
(DVDS will be picked up at the studio over the summer)
____Number of DVDs (please list 0 if not interested)
Spring Concert LOGO T- SHIRT (student names on back) $10.00 each
____ Number of Logo T- Shirts (please 0 if not interested)
Student AD for Program $8.00 each
____ Number of Student Ads
(please email image or words to no later than 5/1)
Receive 1 basic photo package, 1 DVD, 1 T- Shirt and a Student AD for a discounted price of $ 50.00
____Yes, I would like to purchase the discounted package.
Student Name: _________________________________ Parent Name:____________________________________
Total: $_________ Check/ Cash/ CC
* Pictures and DVDS will be picked up at the studio during the summer. T- Shirts will be delivered before show date.

We are preparing for the end of our season which will wrap up the end of May with our Spring Concert.
This order form was attached to all emails going out this week and with the April 1st news letter. Please take the time to review it so you don't miss out on capturing any important memories of Spring Concert!
Spring Concert 2010 Order Form
DUE April 20th!
$15.00 late charge to any forms turned in after this date
Picture Day
May 1 & 8 (designated class times posted on blog and at studio)
This includes 4 individual shots & 1 group shot on a CD with copyright form. $25.00 per student.
Each additional photo (individual or group) is $5.00 more. Please list below extra photos.
_____Yes, My student will be participating in Picture Day
____$25.00 basic package
____I would like additional _#_____ shots.
_____ No, My student will NOT be participating.
DVD Orders
DVD’s include BOTH nights performances. $15.00 each.
(DVDS will be picked up at the studio over the summer)
____Number of DVDs (please list 0 if not interested)
Spring Concert LOGO T- SHIRT (student names on back) $10.00 each
____ Number of Logo T- Shirts (please 0 if not interested)
Student AD for Program $8.00 each
____ Number of Student Ads
(please email image or words to no later than 5/1)
Receive 1 basic photo package, 1 DVD, 1 T- Shirt and a Student AD for a discounted price of $ 50.00
____Yes, I would like to purchase the discounted package.
Student Name: _________________________________ Parent Name:____________________________________
Total: $_________ Check/ Cash/ CC
* Pictures and DVDS will be picked up at the studio during the summer. T- Shirts will be delivered before show date.

Reminder Adjudication
Tennessee Dance Arts Conservatory - Ballet Program Adjudication
April 17, 2010 1:00-2:30
3015 Belshire Village, Suite 106 (next To Lowes)
More info: 615-302-3348
The TDAC Ballet Program is open to all, but each student must be adjudicated for placement. This intensive pre professional program has special requirements that must be followed by all who are interested. TDAC offers alternative ballet classes for those who do not make the program or are interested in only taking ballet 1x a week.
TDAC Ballet Program Requirements (3-1-2010)
New Change: We're welcoming students ages 7 and up to audition for the program
Ballet I:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1) hour
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Hunter Green Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, white dance belt.
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
Ballet II:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1) hour
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Sky Blue Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, white dance belt.
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
Ballet III:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1 1/2) hours
(Pre-Pointe will be added into the minimum requirements.)
-Stretch and Strength (1) hour per week
-Variations class (optional but recommended)
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Burgundy Leotard, pink tights, (2) pairs of pink ballet shoes, white dance belt.
- (Note: one pair of ballet shoes will have Pointe shoe ribbons attached to the shoes for pre-Pointe.)
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
Ballet IV:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1 1/2) hours
- (1) Hour of Pointe class (shoes may be worn for (1) technique class barre as well.
-Stretch and Strength class (1) hour per week
-Variations class (optional but recommended)
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Lavender Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, Pointe shoes, white dance belt.
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
*Students will not be asked to go en Pointe until they are 12 years old AND have the proper strength and body alignment.
April 17, 2010 1:00-2:30
3015 Belshire Village, Suite 106 (next To Lowes)
More info: 615-302-3348
The TDAC Ballet Program is open to all, but each student must be adjudicated for placement. This intensive pre professional program has special requirements that must be followed by all who are interested. TDAC offers alternative ballet classes for those who do not make the program or are interested in only taking ballet 1x a week.
TDAC Ballet Program Requirements (3-1-2010)
New Change: We're welcoming students ages 7 and up to audition for the program
Ballet I:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1) hour
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Hunter Green Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, white dance belt.
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
Ballet II:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1) hour
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Sky Blue Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, white dance belt.
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
Ballet III:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1 1/2) hours
(Pre-Pointe will be added into the minimum requirements.)
-Stretch and Strength (1) hour per week
-Variations class (optional but recommended)
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Burgundy Leotard, pink tights, (2) pairs of pink ballet shoes, white dance belt.
- (Note: one pair of ballet shoes will have Pointe shoe ribbons attached to the shoes for pre-Pointe.)
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
Ballet IV:
-Minimum of (2) Technique classes per week for (1 1/2) hours
- (1) Hour of Pointe class (shoes may be worn for (1) technique class barre as well.
-Stretch and Strength class (1) hour per week
-Variations class (optional but recommended)
-Extra curricular Reports and Studies
-Attend at least one field trip with program per season
-Black Leotard, Lavender Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, Pointe shoes, white dance belt.
-Boys: White fitted tank top, black tights, dance belt, white socks, black ballet shoes.
*Students will not be asked to go en Pointe until they are 12 years old AND have the proper strength and body alignment.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Easter!
The school is closed April 4- 9th. Classes will resume Saturday the 10th.
Please note that a PDF was attached to your April newsletter. This attachment contains the order form for Spring Concert pictures, dvds, etc. This form is due April 20th. Please email us if you did not receive this form and need another.
We regret to inform you that "Adult Fitness" classes have been discontinued at TDAC. We will be starting Adult Dance classes in the near future.
You still have time to sign up for Summer but you better do it quick! Classes are filling up.
Have a wonderful Holiday!
Please note that a PDF was attached to your April newsletter. This attachment contains the order form for Spring Concert pictures, dvds, etc. This form is due April 20th. Please email us if you did not receive this form and need another.
We regret to inform you that "Adult Fitness" classes have been discontinued at TDAC. We will be starting Adult Dance classes in the near future.
You still have time to sign up for Summer but you better do it quick! Classes are filling up.
Have a wonderful Holiday!
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